Sunday, December 14, 2014

To the Point PRINCE2 Highlight Reporting.

PRINCE2 Highlight Reporting is one of the easiest and most useful PRINCE2 concepts to implement early. If your organization is not running PRINCE2 yet, highlight reporting is something you can introduce without even mentioning PRINCE2.

The PRINCE2 Highlight reports lose some of their objective value without having Project Briefs, PIDs and Stage Plans to report against, but getting a standardized report in place for all projects has a value regardless. So what does a good PRINE2 Project Highlight Report look like?

As the name indicates, the highlight report should not be drowned in details. It should be short and to the point. The managers and executives receiving highlight reports have a lot of information to relate to, and they usually appreciate if status can be given at a glance. Even better is the status can be given at a glance in a standardized way. Using “traffic lights” to visualize how the project is travelling is quite eye catching. The suggested PRINCE2 Project Highlight Report on the PRINCE2 Template page is using one traffic light per performance indicator and one separate traffic light for the overall status. The traffic lights go red if your forecast is estimated to go beyond your tolerances.

The frequency of highlight reporting is documented in your plans under “Monitor and Control”. If PRINCE2 plans are not yet introduced in your organization, you can just set a standard policy for all project: all project do highlight reporting the first working day of the month.

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